CREATE Foundation Affiliate of the Year!

Make a Donation and Tell Us Where You Want it to Go!

Annual Community Grants

Make a difference! It’s so easy. We started with 100 Women who gave $100/year to fund local projects. In 4 years they put $100,000 back into our community! Now, we have 100 Kids Who Care and 100 Men Who Care! This is the easiest way to turn a $100 donation into thousands of dollars that make Starkville great!

Education, Housing, Reinvestment

Families, businesses, civic organizations, banks, and Sunday School classes commit to donating 1000/year to this fund that accomplishes:

Funding the Agencies that Make a Difference in Starkville

Using the United Way model, SCF uses the interest from our endowed fund each year to support the agencies doing vital work to make our community thrive. Organizations may apply to become an annual partner if they have a track record of creating deep impact in Starkville.

Do you have a project you want to fund or a family member you want to honor? We also offer targeted giving options that allow you to invest your donation in what you love.

The easiest investment you can make

is in your own backyard.